Residential School and Indigenous-Specific Racism Statement: READ HERE – College Anti-Racism Statement: READ HERE



Registration Committee

Required: five members – number of registrants not indicated.

Meets regularly and according to the bylaws recommends acceptable educational programs to the Board. The Committee also develops registration policy and acts as a review panel when the Registrar rejects an application.

Registration Appeals Committee

Required: three to five members – number of registrants not indicated.

Rarely meets. When it does it considers appeals from decisions of the Registration Committee to reject an applicant. Members require knowledge of hearings, administrative justice, and decision making and writing. The members of this committee cannot also be members of the Registration Committee. Training is provided.

Quality Assurance Committee

Required: total of six members, five of which may be registrants

This committee reviews standards of practice and ethical standards and will continue work on the Quality Assurance/Continuing Professional Development Program.

Inquiry Committee

Required: total of five members, two of which may be registrants

The Committee meets regularly. The Committee considers complaints delivered by the Registrar and reviews decisions of the Registrar to dismiss a complaint. The Committee may also investigate under its own motion and is responsible for issuing Citations for discipline hearings.

Discipline Committee

Required: total of five members, one of whom must be an appointed member

Rarely meets. When it does, it hears and determines matters set for hearing by citation issued at the direction of the Inquiry Committee in accordance with Division 3 of the Social Workers Act.

 Indigenous Council

Required: at least 3 members, the majority of which must self-identify as indigenous.

The Council acts in an advisory capacity to the BC College of Social Workers offering Indigenous cultural perspectives and knowledge as a way to culturally inform the development of: regulation, College policies, initiatives, projects and programs, communications and relationship building with Indigenous persons and communities.