Residential School and Indigenous-Specific Racism Statement: READ HERE – College Anti-Racism Statement: READ HERE

CPD Info

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Important Changes to the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program Starting 2023 CPD Cycle

  • With COVID-19 pandemic restrictions having eased and a wider variety of CPD opportunities being made available again, the College has restored the ‘maximum allowable hours’ requirement that was in place pre-pandemic. meaning that the maximum allowable hours for the following categories of activity are now set to 15 again starting the 2023 CPD cycle: self-directed, work-based, professional, formal/educational, and other. The purpose of having the maximum allowable hours of 15 in most categories of activity is to ensure that registrants diversity their methods of learning when meeting the yearly 40-hour requirement. With this requirement restored, registrants will now only be credited up to a maximum of 15 hours in the aforementioned categories of activity even when they claim more than 15 hours in those categories. Please keep this change in mind when completing your CPD starting the 2023 CPD cycle.

Registrants are required to complete 40 hours of CPD per year. The CPD cycle runs from November 1 through to October 31st every year.

CPD Submission Instructional Walk-through Video

Guide book and supporting information:

1. CPD Basic Submission Instructions

2. CPD Manual

3. CPD Categories of Activities

4. CPD Example Submission

5. Peer Feedback Guide

6. Setting SMART Objectives

7. CPD Plan

8. Instructions for Students, New Grads and Exam Takers

If, after reading the material and looking at the frequently asked questions, a registrant has questions, please send an email to

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