Residential School and Indigenous-Specific Racism Statement: READ HERE – College Anti-Racism Statement: READ HERE



Only individuals who are registered with the British Columbia College of Social Workers or who are employed as social workers by one of the exempt employers under the Social Workers Regulation may call themselves social workers in British Columbia and only registrants of the College may use the abbreviation “RSW”. It is an offence for a person to represent themselves as a social worker if they are not registered or employed through an exemption and persons employed through an exemption cannot use the abbreviation “RSW”

Social Workers registered in the Full class, may use the designations: “Social Worker” or “Registered Social Worker” and the initials “RSW” or, if registered in the Clinical class, may use the designation “Registered Clinical Social Worker” and the initials “RCSW”.

Registrants are encouraged to get involved with the College.

Board: Registrants vote for the eight social work members of the Board. Registrants who are in good standing and agree to sign the Oath of Office may stand for nomination and run for the Board.

Committees: The College welcomes registrants to become involved in its several committees and workgroups.

Promotion: Registrants are encouraged to urge non-registered social workers to register and to report persons using the protected title illegally to the College.

Quality Assurance: The College is constantly improving its Standards of Practice and Bylaws to better meet the requirements of an ever-changing profession. We urge registrants to make their views on social practice issues known to the College.